
Saturday, 6 June 2009

Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe

I've been searching on Eurydice and I have found an interesting research on teaching langauges in Europe.

Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe gives a wide vision of the role of languages in all compulsory education systems of European countries. It's a comparative study with 44 indicators structured into five parts: context, organisation, participation, teachers and teaching processing. It's a text full of figures with short and easy explanations of each indicator and that's why I strongly recommend it.
It's quite interesting to know the step where the other countries in Europe are to have a deepest criteria on the topic . It seems that Spain is in a good enough position in relation to the rest of the coutries, eg, we are the ones to offer foreign language learning at the earliest stage.
I have especially enjoyed the indicators related to the organisation: the teaching of two foreign languages, CLIL teaching, English as a mandatory language in 13 countries, regional languages included in many curricula. Enjoy it!