
Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Congratulations, Mr President!

Will President Obama be a President for Peace?

Listen to his swearing:

The Oath of office for President
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. So, help me God".

Listen and read his Inauguration speech here

Sunday, 18 January 2009

DENIP: 30th January. School Day of Non-violence and Peace

DENIP: Working to promote a Culture and an independent, free and voluntary
Education for Non-violence and Peace from 1964.

It is celebrated on 30th January.
1. The "School Day of Non-violence and Peace" (DENIP), founded in 1964 and also known as World or International Day of Non-violence and Peace, is a pioneering, non-state, non-governmental, non-official, independent, free and voluntary initiative of Non-violent and Pacifying Education, which is now practised in schools all over the world and in which centres of education, teachers and students of all levels and from all countries are invited to take part.
2. It advocates a permanent education in and for harmony, tolerance, solidarity, respect for human rights, non-violence and peace.
3. It is observed on January 30 or thereabouts every year, on the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi. In countries with a Southern Hemisphere school calendar, it can be observed on March 30 or thereabouts.
4. Its basic message is: "Universal Love, Non-violence and Peace. Universal Love is better than egoism, Non-violence is better than violence, amd Peace is better than war".
5. The method of teaching this activity of education in values should be one of experiences and it can be freely applied in each centre of education according to its own teaching style.
6. Friends of DENIP are those persons who, by accepting the spiritual, individual and social supremacy of universal love, non-violence, tolerance, solidarity, respect for human rights and peace above their opposites, advocate the diffusion of the principles which inspired the day.
Llorenç Vidal. Founder of DENIP

Visit DENIP website.

Peace eduaction programme


I think Peace and Human Rights have to be core contents in our teaching. Here you've some resources for the integration of peace education in your teaching.

UNESCO Culture of Peace: Because the year 2000 is the International Year for the Culture of Peace (UN Doc A/RES/52/15) and the period 2001-2010 is the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (UN Doc A/RES/53/25), there is no better time to join the global movement to educate for a sustainable culture of peace.

"A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have the skills to resolve conflicts and struggle for justice non-violently, live by international standards of human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity, and respect the Earth and each other. Such learning can only be achieved with systematic education for peace." -Hague Appeal for Peace Global Campaign for Peace Education

Visit the UN website for peace education

Friday, 2 January 2009


Daniel Barenboim has said at the New Year's Day concert in Vienna:

"We hope 2009 will be a year of peace in the world and of human justice in the Middle East."

I hope so too!