
Thursday, 24 July 2008

Digital chasm

Another easy and quick video about one of the negative consequences of ICT, that is the digital chasm.
Anyway, I don't feel the last statement in the video is suitable... they compare two facts that cannot be compared, both are different and both are important. What do you think?

Social networking

Listen to the explanation.

Rock ESL

A little naf but curious anyway!

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Web 2.0 and languages

Let's see how the Web 2.0 can encourage our language students.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 in the classroom?
What does it mean?

What's the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?
Is there a dark side of the Web 2.0? Are these disadvantages great enough to stop us, as teachers, from using the Web 2.0?

Digital learners

There are so many videos about the way we teach and the way our students learn. Let's see some of them.

Our students are digital learners... are we engaging their interest?
If we learn by doing, what are we learning sitting all day?

Why are our schools still the same?

Learners 2.0. How do they learn?

Blogs in education

There is a lot of theory about blogging in education. Let's check it!

Read this article about getting started.BLOGS IN EDUCATION
Download the PDF document here.

Read the summary of the article Educational Blogging by Stephen Downs.

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Stephen Downes

Stephen Down
is a philosopher of the Internet and Web 2.0.

In his site, there are lots of videos of him and presentations where he explains different relevant items on this topic.
Watch this video. It is just a single example of his thought and all the interesting stuff in his site.

I especially share some of his conclusions:
1. You are the centre of your own personal learning network.
2. And that the three principles expained in the video -interaction, usability and relevance- should guide not only the way we learn, but also the way we teach.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Why let our students blog?

Reasons to let your students blog.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Marià Villangómez in English?

Why not?

Read here about him

Reason to learn another language

Why should we learn another language?
Watch the video and you'll find a pretty answer.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

A better Internet for a better world

Interesting reflection exercise about the way Internet shold work.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Second Life

Do you think Second Life can have an educative use?
Shall we avoid it or shall we benefit from Second Life?

Monday, 7 July 2008


What's a WebQuest?

It is research done by the students through the Internet. It is a longer research than the one done in Treasure Hunts.
They are given a task that has to be done through a guided process. At the end, the student has to hand in a sort of essay or project. The great difference in WebQuest is that the assessment has to be carefully planned.
It was first developed by Bernie Dodge.
In Spain, the two main people who have developed WebQuests are Isabel Pérez, especially English Webquests, and Sebastià Capella, who focuses on Maths and Science.

Definition in Wikipedia

Five rules for writing a great WebQuest by Bernie Dodge

Isabel Pérez Webquest in English

Treasure Hunts

What is a treasure hunt?

It is a little task in which students research a topic. They are given questions and the webs where to find answers. At the end, they will have to write a short essay with the answers to the questions.

Here you can see some examples:

Lots of examples here, at Isabel Pérez's site

My own examples